About Us
The Barton Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a non-profit association, which was established through municipal by-law. The BIA works on behalf of businesses of Barton Village to support and promote local communities and businesses and initiates events and street beautification. The area designated as the Barton Village BIA is shown in the map below.
The Board of Management, including one member of City Council, governs the organization and meets monthly. Various committees are organized to fulfill its mandate and to develop activities and events. Currently, the BIA is governed by nine members of Board of Management and is managed by an Executive Director. The BIA office is located at 659 Barton St East.

What does a BIA do?
The Barton Village Business Improvement Area is playing an important role in developing and sustaining its business area and surrounding neighbourhood. The BIA’s efforts include the promotion of the business within the BIA through various mediums including business directories, newsletters and radio advertisements.
The BIA sponsors a number of community events and works diligently with its community partners to collectively develop and implement strategies to improve the neighbourhood.

How is a BIA funded?
The BIA is entirely self-funded. Each year, the BIA holds an Annual General Meeting at which time a budget established by the organization’s Board of Management is presented to the membership for consideration and approval. Once approved, the budget amount is paid by allocating portions of it to all BIA members in the form of a BIA levy, which is based on the assessment of the property.

Our Staff
Our Board of Directors
Mission Statement
Alongside our community and city partners, the Barton Village BIA is committed to improving the daily experience of all business owners, residents, and community stakeholders through advocacy and investment, strengthening the local economy and social fabric through initiatives that prioritize community, safety, sustainability, and liveability.
To create “A village of passionate and creative business owners seeking economic revitalization while respecting historic place and community.”
Get Involved!
Board Meetings
Our board meetings are open to all and take place the last Monday of January, April, July, and October at 1 PM. To attend please register with Nadine by emailing info@bartonvillage.ca.
Join a Committee
The Barton Village BIA knows that its greatest strength is the community and people like you. Which is why we are inviting you to join one (or more) of our committees:
Barton Beautification Committee. Help Beautify Barton! If you would like to share your ideas for what should go in our planters, help organize clean ups or plant under-utilized areas this committee is for you.​
For more information or to join, email ​Brenda at email address
This committee meets twice a month.
Attraction and Retention Committee. Does finding creative ways to support existing businesses and attracting new ones excite you? If so we encourage you to join us.
For more information or to join, email ​Nadine at Info@bartonvillage.ca
This committee meets once a month.
Events and Marketing Committee. Our current focus is Open Streets Events we are looking to arrange for late summer to support our small businesses and community. Would you like to be part of creating what this and future events look like?
For more information or to join, email ​Jordan at Marketing@bartonvillage.ca
This committee meets once a month on the third Tuesday.
Governance Committee.
All meetings can be attended virtually. We encourage you to reach out to ask any questions or if you would like to dive right in please email info@bartonvillage.ca to inquire about / apply to a committee.